Konrad, Ishwar and Saligrama help organize AVSS 2010

Profs. Konrad, Ishwar and Saligrama help organize the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS) that will be held at Boston University from August 29 to September 1, 2010. Prof. Konrad is a Program Co-Chair whereas Prof. Ishwar is the Local Arrangements Chair and Prof. Saligrama is the Demonstrations Chair.

The conference focuses on the theory, methods, systems, and applications in the general area of security, safety and monitoring in smart environments. Some of the topics covered by the conference are: a) sensors and data fusion, b) processing, detection and recognition, c) analytics, behavior and biometrics, d) interaction and description, e) applications, f) systems, performances and ethical issues. The conference attendees come primarily from academia, industry and government agencies.

The conferences date back to 1998 and was recently held in Genoa, Italy (2009), Santa Fe, USA (2008), London, UK (2007), and Sydney, Australia (2006). In 2010, AVSS will be financially and technically cosponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (PAMI TC) and by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (IVMSP TC).

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