Konrad delivers plenary at SIBGRAPI’09

Prof. Konrad delivers a plenary lecture at the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (Sibgrapi 2009), Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil, Oct. 11-14, 2009.

ECE seniors develop a 3-D display system

The recent resurgence of interest in 3-D movies (Avatar, Polar Express, etc.) begs a question as to when this technology will be available at home. Five ECE seniors, Rohan Arun, Howard Huang, Nathan Mulcahey, Arupendra Roy,  and Matt Schoen are developing on a real-time 3-D display system that could be used at home. Furthermore, the […]

Bangla and Chao Win Engineering Design Competition

ISS students Ajay Bangla and Stephen Chao win the 2009 Entrepreneur Design Contest with their business idea based on video condensation, a technology that greatly improves the efficiency of video surveillance developed by Profs. Ishwar and  Konrad.