COSSY datasets
In order to support the development of algorithms for people counting using overhead fisheye cameras and thermal door sensors, we have developed several datasets listed below. These datasets are available for download under the condition that our effort be acknowledged in publications using them by including a reference to our paper associated with used dataset (see each dataset’s description for details).
- Human-Aligned Bounding Boxes from Overhead Fisheye cameras dataset (HABBOF)
- Challenging Events for Person Detection from Overhead Fisheye images (CEPDOF)
- In-the-Wild Events for People Detection and Tracking from Overhead Fisheye cameras (WEPDTOF)
- Rotated Bounding-Box Annotations for Mirror Worlds Dataset (MW-R)
- Fisheye Re-Identification Dataset with Annotations (FRIDA)
- Distance Estimation between People from Overhead Fisheye Cameras (DEPOF)
- Thermal Images for Door-based Occupancy Sensing (TIDOS)
- CO2FISHEYE: CO2 Measurements versus Fisheye Cameras